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I am a Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Primal Therapeutic Diets Specialist and Strength Coach that specializes in Menopausal Metabolic Health.


My mission is to help healthy women just like you, who are struggling with menopausal symptoms, quiet the cravings, lose stubborn fat, reignite their energy and feel confident in their bodies. I believe that optimal health is the springboard for living an inspired life.


I’ve been in the fitness and nutrition industry for nearly 15 years. I know what it takes for my body to look and feel optimal, yet at the age of 40 I felt like my body started to do me dirty. 


Everyone around me (including my doctor) kept telling me what I was feeling and seeing was all in my head, “because 40 is too young to be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms”. 


Nothing else had really changed in my lifestyle. My diet was on par. My training at the gym was on par - on par with what I had always done to garnish results, that is. 


Mentally I was not in a good place. I was working really hard and gaining weight every time I stepped on the scale (which was far too often). 


I wasn’t sleeping well, I was stressed about my health, my motivation and discipline went down the drain and things went from bad to worse very quickly.

Megan Little Coaching

Everyone around me (including my doctor) kept telling me what I was feeling and seeing was all in my head, “because 40 is too young to be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms”. 

Hot flashes, anxiety, exhaustion, brain fog, sugar cravings & more weight gain all began to take their toll… My early 40’s were not good years.


After a ladies getaway with four of my life long besties, who were all in varying degrees of the same boat, I decided enough was enough. It was time to take my love of nutrition and exercise science to the next level and change this for all of us. 


What started out as research and implementation for a sustainable menopausal fat loss strategy, resulted in profound results for many of the other perimenopausal & hormonal symptoms that we were experiencing.




Megan Little Coaching

Sunshine, forests & dogs are my favourite things

I own & operate 2 businesses

I am a mum of 3, semi-adult children

I nerd-out on exercise science & nutrition

I love steak for breakfast

My work-life balance is my top priority

Reading, camping & sunbathing are how I recharge 

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